All Daily Entries

may Ray Barraclough may Ray Barraclough

May 19.

Reflections on 19 May - ‘...the original owners of the soil,’ and The ‘inhuman’ abduction of Indigenous personnel.

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may Ray Barraclough may Ray Barraclough

May 17.

Reflections on 17 May - Aboriginal access to land: Early mentions of ‘land rights’, reserves and extermination.

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april Ray Barraclough april Ray Barraclough

April 6.

Reflections on 6 April - Taking possession of land. “Death was perpetually present on Flinders Island.”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 25.

Reflections on 25 March - “...they have possessed from time immemorial.” - “Aborigines... believ[ed] they had a right to take food growing on their own land.”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 24.

Reflections on 24 March - White and black perspectives: “They have not had their land stolen...”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 3.

Reflections on 3 March - Different understanding of land: Custodianship or real-estate.

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