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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 16.

Reflections on 16 March - Colonists’ views on killings - “...a great many of the Natives slaughtered...”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 15.

Reflections on 15 March - Massacre and counter-massacre: Massacre of ‘Maria’ survivors...and retaliatory massacre of Aboriginal people.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 14.

Reflections on 14 March - '...all been shot down by the police.' - “ fifth of the white population have been murdered...numbers of black lives lost in 'collisions' or 'dispersals' are vague...”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 13.

Reflections on 13 March - Cruelties and Dispossession: “…cruelties have been perpetuated repugnant to Humanity”.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 12.

Reflections on 12 March - A massacre of whites and retaliation: ...the massacre of...whites at Hornet Creek in 1857 led to horrendous retaliation...

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 11.

Reflections on 11 March - Sustained guerrilla warfare - “ the guerrilla war goes on.”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 10.

Reflections on 10 March - Whose Law? Willshire shot dead innumerable Aboriginal people.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 9.

Reflections on 9 March - Ruthless measures should be used: A range of proposals to attack and hunt Aborigines.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 8.

Reflections on 8 March - “...the ascendancy of the aliens...” - “..the most powerful pastoralist in Victoria..coveted their land for grazing purposes.”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 7.

Reflections on 7 March - Consequences for women and children: Sex and the shortage of women.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 6.

Reflections on 6 March - ‘Trucking’ children: The taking of children.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 5.

Reflections on 5 March - Oppression of indigenous women: The abduction and enslavement of native women in Bass Strait.

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 4.

Reflections on 4 March - A dossier of atrocities: “...witnessed most horrible cruelties committed on the natives.”

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march Ray Barraclough march Ray Barraclough

March 3.

Reflections on 3 March - Different understanding of land: Custodianship or real-estate.

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